Install & setup Genymotion for APK Dynamic Analysis in MobSF in Linux

  1. Download Genymotion  .bin file

  2. Type command:  chmod +x filename.bin
  3.                             ./filename.bin

  4. Create an account in Genymotion website.
  5. Log in to the the App.
  6. Click the "+" button on the top and add a device(phone model).

  7. Run this command in terminal:
    "docker run -it --rm \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 1337:1337 \ -e MOBSF_ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER=<adb device identifier> \ opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest"
  8. In the <adb device identifier>  add your value at his  place  

  9. docker run -it --rm \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 1337:1337 \ -e MOBSF_ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER= \ opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest
  10. Press enter.


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