
Showing posts from February, 2023

Spammer : spam words in whatsapp, Instagram and anywhere

GitHub: YouTube: import time : This line imports the time module in Python, which provides various time-related functions. import pyautogui : This line imports the pyautogui module, which is a Python library for automating mouse and keyboard actions. time.sleep(10) : This line pauses the program for 10 seconds using the sleep function from the time module. This is useful if you want to delay a particular action in your code. for i in range(39): : This line starts a for loop that will iterate 39 times. The variable i will take on the values 0 through 38 during each iteration. pyautogui.typewrite("It's a spam \n" ) : This line uses the typewrite function from the pyautogui module to simulate keyboard input. It will type the string "It's a spam" followed by a newline character ( \n ) each time the loop runs. This could be used to automate the sending of repeated ...